Change! You can’t escape it. You can’t run from it. There is no place in the world that you can hide that change will not find you. It is as inevitable as the rising of the sun. And yet, even though change is part of everyone’s life, we still face it with sweaty palms and racing heart. Why? Change means that we have to step back and give up control of “us.” And that is as scary as all get out!
Change! There is no better word to use to describe our family in 2014. Every one of us has gone through a major job change this year. For me, it was leaving a job that I loved after fifteen years due to extreme stress in the work environment. If you would have told me a year ago that I would be put in a position of having to quit my job in order to regain my health I would have laughed. But quit I did and now my life is totally changed forever. Now, I am at home pursuing something else I love…writing!
Change! You can either fight it the whole way, screaming and yelling that it’s “just not fair”…or you can take a deep breath, say a prayer and accept that God is in control. Thank goodness God has us in His hands because to go through change without that assurance would be impossible. At times of change, I cling to verses like Jeremiah 29:11.
For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.
But the change that we should run to with open arms and open hearts, is the one that happens when we recognize and accept Jesus Christ as our Savior. Can I hear an Amen?? What a relief to be able to let go and give up the stresses of life to Him. It needs to happen on a daily basis. A prayer uttered with our very first breath of the morning.
God, you have given me this day for Your purpose! Help me accept and excel at what you have for me today. Amen.
Change! With God all things are possible. The wrong is made right! The bad is made good! The hurt are healed! The sinner is redeemed!
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come. 2 Corinthians 5:17
There is a song about change that I dearly love….
Change my heart oh God, Make it ever true.
Change my heart oh God, May I be like You.
You are the potter, I am the clay,
Mold me and make me, This is what I pray.
You are right in so many ways. Change is so difficult and it is so scary. I have a really hard time with it. But God is in control and he knows what is right for us. We just have to trust him and have faith. I’m working on that haha. Beautiful post!
Thanks Mariah. Accepting change doesn’t get any easier even when you are more “mature” or “old as dirt” as my Dad says. It’s a work in progress for sure.
and to think that those precious words from jeremiah were given not long b/f Judah was headed into a horrible time in their history: the Bablylonian Captivity. now that was a change they needed these words of comfort for if there was ever a time! how reassuring for us!
Yes, each generation has had to overcome things that threatened to destroy them. We think “times are bad” but what doesn’t change is there are always bad things that happen in the world…not and hundreds of years in the past. Words from the Word…brings such assurance and peace.
Beautiful and wonderfully written post. Thank you.