I walked outside this morning, and tripped over fall.
I wasn’t expecting it; no-way. Not at all.
But there it was, on the ground by my feet.
A pretty little leaf, quite golden and sweet.
When did this happen? Who left fall there?
I’m not done with summer, and times of fun without cares.
Swimming, and hiking, and nights under the stars.
Trips to the beach with us all in the car.
I shook off the feel of the cool morning air,
and continued my walk on down the stairs.
Around the corner, I came to a halt.
I’m not sure what to do, it’s really not my fault.
For there it was again. I can’t be mistaken.
Leaves on the ground, as if the trees had been shaken.
Then as if by cue, the geese flew overhead.
The sound of their cries filled me with dread.
I knew it was over. Summer laid bare.
I reached for my sweater. Something warmer to wear.
I guess it’s OK. It happens each year.
There really is nothing; nothing to fear.
Now it will be Pumpkin spice everywhere.
And for me that’s OK, as I sit in my chair.
Counting my blessings, and being so thankful,
That I live in a place where time can be tranquil.
Good-bye for now summer. I’ll see you next year.
Hello to fall. I won’t shed a tear.
So be careful my friend, as you step outside.
Look for the fall, with your arms open wide.
Welcome it then, with a smile and a laugh.
For all too soon, winter will be back.
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