For those of you who know me through my job at The History Museum of Hood River County, you know that I am on a passionate mission to spread a deeper understanding of how our cultural heritage affects our past, present and future. I can see in the mirror of time, how events, people and places from the past shape…
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A Tale of Two Toilets
There is one thing that no matter where you go or how you travel, you can’t avoid it. The toilet. Loo. Watercloset. “The can”…whatever you prefer to call it, you can’t deny that it is as essential to our day-to-day life as drinking water no matter where in the world you live. So when you travel, there are some unique…
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A Serendipitous Moment: A Birthday Walk to the Frozen Waterfall
It was a special day! It was our son’s four year old birthday and a day for making memories. At this time in our lives, we had been living in the Cascade coastal mountains outside of Beaver, Oregon. Three days of almost non-stop snow and sub-zero temperatures had left our snug little home feeling like an Arctic cabin. Still, this…
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Learning to Share
Sharing! It is the most basic of lessons we learn in Pre-School or Kindergarten. For some of us it comes easily. Just put others first. Don’t be possessive of your toys and everything will be alright. Sounds easy? But then why is it so hard to share still today when we are all grown-up adults. Even nature has a hard…
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Parables From the Farm: Nature Speaks
A few years back when we were living in Tillamook, Oregon, I began a strict regime to get myself in better shape. I lost over 65 pounds by changing my focus, correcting my eating habits, and walking everyday. My morning walks took me on the road that ran along side the Trask River. I used this time not only for…
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