Authors note; The word prompt for this week vividly brought back to my mind a place and a time where I was struggling with depression. I know that for me to get through this struggle I needed the love and support of those around me. I would encourage you, that if you have a loved one (friend or family) that struggles with depression…reach out to them. It could save their life.
Can you reach me?
Can you touch my hand with yours and pull me out of this darkness?
Can you see me?
Can you see me here in my deep hole?
Don’t walk away. I know that I haven’t been myself lately, but please don’t go.
Can’t you stay for a while and cover me with your light and your love?
People around me know there is something wrong but they don’t know what to say.
Some people think that if I just “pray more” the dark cloud will go away.
But it’s consumed me. Consumed my life. Sucked out my happiness. Severed my spirit.
Can you reach me?
Do you care?
Just reach out your hand. Touch me. Love me. Carry me away to a place where I can be happy again and free from this depression. Take me from the dark into the life-giving light.
I need you to reach…
Thank you for sharing your heart, being vulnerable, and speaking truth. Your words have made a big impact on me. I hope you have a lovely weekend.
Thanks Jolene. I have to admit, I had a moment of panic before hitting “post”. But my daughter reminded me that this is what I joined this group for. To get personal with my writing. Not second guessing or “making it pretty”. Hopefully it reaches others struggling with depression like I was at that moment in my life. Thanks for the comment and the encouragement.
Connie, thanks for sharing your words today. They are an immense help to me as I talk with a granddaughter-to-be, our grandson’s fiance, and mother of his darling little 7-month old girl. I don’t know whether it’s depression, bipolar disorder, OCD, ADHD, or something else but she tells me she’s lost the ability to feel excitement and emotion even when she hears her baby almost say the word “mama.” She lives an hour and a half away so we communicate by text and FB email; neither of us are phone persons. I am encouraged that she is talking with her baby’s pediatrician who is helping her find the right help. I am proud of our grandson for speaking up at a checkup appointment for the baby. But your words have affirmed my efforts not to dwell on her illness but to encourage her and to reach out. God’s timing is oh so wonderful; He knew what I needed to read, He led you to my blog, and in turn led me to yours.
Sherrey *hugs*. I had to stop for a moment before replying to dry my eyes. Your comment really touched me. Depression and other types of mental issues are so difficult. If someone we loved had a broken arm or cut finger, etc….we would see the issue and do what we could to help. But with mental depression, you can’t see it except to know that something is wrong. I am so blessed that what I wrote this morning, and was so scared to push post on…has been an encouragement to you and your family. We are called to LOVE not JUDGE. I will be praying for your grand-daughter-in-law, that she will find the help and encouragement she needs. Blessings to you and your family.
This brought tears to my eyes. I have felt exactly like this. I have wanted so much to say those words before. Thank you for opening up and sharing something that can make us all feel vulnerable. You are a wonderful lady. Many hugs and prayers for you.
Mariah, you are never alone. Just remember that. Even if you slide down in that hole…you are never, never, alone. There are so many people who love you and will reach for you. Thank you so much for your kind words. Love you and Brandon!
Oh my…another treasured post. Depression is so hard to deal with. It hits without warning and drags us down.
Thanks for being so candid. I, too deal with it.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts…Tonight, I really needed to read your post.
Thank you so much for your words Cheryl. It touches my heart that you found solace in my thoughts.